Post by Danielle1984 on Apr 4, 2005 10:47:52 GMT -5
Hello everyone! My name is Danielle. I'm an 18 yr. old female from Oklahoma. Im a new member and I'm so confused. All I know is that I would really like to boost my self-esteem by getting a bigger chest! I've read quite a few posts about hypnosis, a pendelum, and all kinds of different herbs. What in the world is all this? Please help me out, here. I'd really like to know what's working best for everyone, too. I'm desperate! haha! (no...really). Thanks!
Post by Islandgirl on Apr 4, 2005 17:25:36 GMT -5
Post by HoneeBee on Apr 4, 2005 19:01:31 GMT -5
please take your time and go through as many posts that you can in the general and newbee section. You need to be patient and do lots of research before you should climb on board a particular routine. there is so much info on this board (also look through the old forum if you get a chance). NBE Quest also has some intresting discussion going so take some time to go through that also. I really like this board. when i first joined i knew absolutly nothing other then that the internet has so many products for NBE most of which are expensive. Now im after taking a few months to go through this forum and all the others i am more confident that i have gotten most if the information that i need to come up with a suitable routine for myself. Methods -massage- can be done dry or use herbs in a booby batter. its a good way to increase prolactin, increase circulation and general breast health. -herbs( Fenugreek, saw palmentto,Wild Yam, Fennel, Red clove, Licorice root, Oregano, damiana, hops, Goats rue, Blessed Thistle etc... [Do some homework and you will find more that you may be interested in using in your routine]) can be taken orally or make a booby batter. -BO( bovine ovaries)- little is know about it except that it is a freeze dryed glandular product from cows and it has vitamines, hormones in it. (Bountiful Breast, Fawn's VP, D&E bovine ovaries, Feminizer, Feminant and Estro-glan) Pump- there are two types. first suction with a breast feeding pump to increase prolactin levels which can help with breast enlargement. then there is tention pumping ( Brava device) which streches skin and breast tissue in hopes that it will simulate growth in the breast to counteract the tention. -HRT- women that are going through menapause tend to go through this treatment. its not recommended for women with normal hormone levels and this method needs be discusses with and suppervised by a doctor. There is also birth control pills which most other women can use. some may experience breast enlargement from it. Hypnosis- look in the alternative section on this forum there is lots of info on hypnosis for breast enlargement. There are lots of studies and tests done on the subject which seem promising. Dowsing- also check in the alternatives section are all methods used to grow breasts. some can be used together some may not be suitable for you cause of age, hormone levels or your personal beliefs and interests. There is no garantee that one method will work for you cause everyone is different. It can take 6 months to a year before a routine be be effective for some women so you need to be patient. takeing individual herbs are cheaper then commercial products and for some are more effective cause each person can tailer the herbs for their personal needs. Bovine Ovaries can be bought cheaper so before you dish out $1000 for BB there are some cheaper alternatives that are just a good. take your time and do your homework before diving in. Use the search on this sight to look at any subject that you are intrested in. WOW!! that was a lot. i dont want to overwhelm you but there is surtainlly more that i could type. So do your homework, be careful and good luck
Post by Wenonae on Apr 4, 2005 19:41:27 GMT -5
Ladies, In general, there are two methods: Methods: Ramping up Method and P-MethodThe ramping up method incorporates knowing your body type, how fats could distribute, your current hormonal state,and other factors. With this, you'll have to use trial and error to figure out which herbs work well with your system. One will need to stay on one regime at least 3 months at a time to determine if it is 'working' or not. After this, it's back to square one re-ramping up with 'new' herbs. After about 9 months of continuous trial and error, at least a light estrogen cleanse is advised. P-Method, one can potentially figure out the 'first' time what herbs and items will help to complete a successful NBE program. Ladies using this method are generally on from 6-9 mos also, but once finished..they are finished. This is a good Hypnosis discussion . There are several CD's all over Ebay and other sites. Fawn's newly sponsered site for subliminal CD's as rated by several dowsers ranks very high, 900+ out of 1000. For massage action..here's a great picture shared by Lucille in her routine which helps 'store' fats. Quickbust and Greenbush are recommended commercial products for those who don't want to put too much thought into things..and SBS also low in phyto-estrogen amounts, also seem to work, but takes at least SIX months to see ANY kind of progress for those able to respond. For a list of common herbs...here's a good beginningAlrighty..that's my added two cents!
Post by Danielle1984 on Apr 5, 2005 9:59:48 GMT -5
Thankyou guys for all your information! I'll keep you updated!